Brooklyn Proud | Palladio Mouldings Inc.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Broadway Stages. In celebration of our 40th trip around the sun, we are shining the spotlight on the heart of our community – the local businesses that provide the essential or simply enjoyable, goods and services that allow us to thrive and delight in this great city we call home, and where Broadway Stages operates. We begin our series in our beloved Brooklyn. The local shops that line our streets, providing a livelihood for our neighbors, family, and friends. Join us as we journey throughout Brooklyn and get to know the people and businesses that make our community home. Today, we check out the expert craftsmanship delivered by the pros at Greenpoint’s own Palladio Mouldings Inc.!

Welcome to Palladio Mouldings Inc., a renowned company based in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and owned by John Purcell. With over 25 years of operation, Palladio Mouldings is your ultimate destination for acquiring exquisite, one-of-a-kind plaster moldings in Brooklyn, NY, and the surrounding areas. Specializing in custom decorative plaster moldings, they offer a superb collection of handcrafted pieces, including crown moldings, ceiling moldings, cornice moldings, ornamental plaster, ceiling medallions, friezes, and more! The dedicated team of artisans combines their extensive expertise with advanced techniques to provide outstanding custom molding solutions. Their comprehensive range of services includes plaster molding design, sculpture, installation, detailed project “take-offs”, engineering services including CAD drawings, and decorative restorations. With a commitment to exceptional customer experience, they deliver the highest quality products and installation services for all surfaces, from walls and ceilings, to domes and columns, all offered at competitive prices!

Entrusting the care of your project’s decorative plaster to professionals is essential, and Palladio Moulding boasts a reliable team of skilled sculptors who can handle jobs of any size. Throughout the process, they keep you involved, ensuring you remain fully informed about the condition and progress of your plaster molding. The company specializes in creating unique, high-class plaster moldings tailored to the specific look and feel of your space. With their custom services, you can have elegant, modern designs precisely crafted to your specifications. Simply share your vision and they will deliver the perfect high-class and distinctive piece right to your door. Additionally, their wide selection of offerings showcases the exceptional quality of their work.

Palladio Mouldings is not only a leader in the field of plaster moldings, but also play a vital role in the economic development of the surrounding communities. By providing employment opportunities to skilled artisans and partnering with local suppliers, they contribute to the growth and prosperity of the area.

The company stands as a premier provider of custom plaster moldings, combining unmatched craftsmanship with a comprehensive range of services. With their dedication to delivering exceptional customer experiences, they have solidified their position as a trusted resource for creating timeless designs. Whether you seek custom designs, professional installations, or decorative plaster restorations, Palladio Mouldings Inc. guarantees the highest quality products and services that bring elegance and refinement to your space. Contact Palladio Mouldings today and embark on a journey of transforming your surroundings with breathtaking plaster moldings.