Broadway Stages

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Spring Update | Eagle Street Rooftop Farm

On a warehouse rooftop, in the industrial area of Greenpoint, lies our first green roof, Eagle Street Rooftop Farm. In 2008, Broadway Stages funded Eagle Street Rooftop Farm, which was New York City’s first-ever fully operational organic rooftop farm.  

Annie Novak oversees this 6,000-square-foot green roof organic vegetable farm in the heart of Brooklyn. The farm commits to sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices. This includes composting and rainwater harvesting to reduce waste and conserve resources. The result of these efforts is a wide variety of crops, including herbs, fruits, and vegetables, and using heirloom and open-pollinated seeds to promote biodiversity and preserve genetic diversity.

Mark your calendar for April 13!

If you want to learn more about maintaining an urban farm, from seed-sowing to harvest, you can join the crew for an afternoon of volunteering! The next opportunity is Saturday, April 13, from 1 to 4 p.m.

As the growing season gets into full swing, volunteer days will correspond with a farmer’s market. You can shop for organic seasonal vegetables, greens, and herbs (both culinary and medicinal).

Learn about trees on June 6!

Annie Novak is leading a virtual three-part lecture series hosted by Atlas Obscura on June 6, 13 and 20. Learn what tree communication actually means, gain a better understanding of this extraordinary natural phenomenon in plant evolution, biology, and chemistry. Get your tickets here.

Learn More!

You can also read Annie’s book “The Rooftop Growing Guide” to learn how to turn your own roof into a vegetable garden. Follow the farm on Twitter and Instagram for more information.

Be sure to add a trip to the Farm to your schedule - soak up the sun, enjoy the flowers, and pick up some organically grown produce!