Staten Island Proud | Pratt Industries Paper Mill

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Broadway Stages. In celebration of our 40th trip around the sun, we are shining the spotlight on the heart of our community – the local businesses and organizations that provide goods, services, and experiences that allow us to thrive and delight in this great city we call home. We continue our series in Staten Island and feature the local establishments that line our streets, providing a livelihood and rich culture for our neighbors, family, and friends. Join us as we get to know the people and organizations that make our community home. Today, we take a peek at Pratt Industries Paper Mill and their specialized approach to sustainable practices.

In today's world, where environmental consciousness and corporate social responsibility are paramount, companies like Pratt Industries Paper Mill on Staten Island are setting an example. Pratt Industries is renowned for its commitment to sustainability, innovative packaging solutions, and positive contributions to surrounding communities. One of the company's core objectives is to provide the industry's best packaging solutions by utilizing 100% recycled paper from its five mills. This approach not only optimizes packaging for customers, but also reduces waste and promotes sustainability.

With advanced manufacturing techniques, Pratt Industries produces high-performance products using discarded paper collected from various sources from across America. By converting this waste into valuable packaging materials, the company saves more than 85,000 trees every day. The environmental impact is profound, as each ton of paper produced by Pratt Industries saves 3.3 cubic yards of waste from landfills, 7,000 gallons of water, 4,000 kWh of power, and 1.00 ton of CO2 emissions. The company's strict adherence to environmental standards demonstrates its dedication to preserving the planet for future generations.

Pratt Industries aligns its values with the Triple Bottom Line, a concept that emphasizes sustainability encompassing People, Planet, and Profit. Understanding that economic success alone is not enough, the company integrates social and environmental factors into its business practices. By championing sustainability, they actively support the well-being of their employees, the surrounding communities, and the planet. This holistic approach ensures a balance between corporate success and long-term societal benefits.

Pratt Industries believes in giving back to the community and has a long-standing tradition of philanthropy. Since its establishment, the company has donated significant resources, funds, and manpower to various charitable organizations, environmental groups, and disaster relief initiatives. The Pratt Foundation, initiated by the late worldwide chairman Richard Pratt, has made substantial contributions to causes ranging from education and disaster recovery to healthcare research. Additionally, Pratt employees actively participate in fundraising and volunteer activities, demonstrating their commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others.

Pratt Industries recognizes the privilege of being involved in activities aimed at enriching the lives of others. The company's commitment to the communities in which it operates extends beyond philanthropy. Through job creation, economic growth, and responsible business practices, Pratt Industries fosters a positive impact on the surrounding areas. By prioritizing sustainability, the company sets an example for other businesses, inspiring them to adopt environmentally conscious practices that benefit both society and the economy.

Pratt Industries Paper Mill stands as a beacon of sustainability and community impact. By actively engaging in philanthropy and supporting various charitable causes, Pratt Industries demonstrates its commitment to social responsibility. As we navigate a world that requires collective effort to preserve the environment and enhance society, Pratt Industries serves as a role model for businesses striving to achieve the Triple Bottom Line of sustainability: People, Planet, and Profit.