Broadway Stages President Gina Argento Leads the Ridgewood YMCA With the Community Leader Award

The YMCA encourages children to achieve great success through physical and mental activities. Designed to emphasize friendship, social responsibilities, and healthy living, the YMCA plays a positive role in shaping youth behavior and attitudes to inspire positive growth and development. YMCA staff teach altruism and benevolence to its young members to mold youths into role model citizens.

Deeply believing in the importance of youth education, Gina Argento, President of Broadway Stages, actively participates as a board member across various YMCA organizations spanning between Queens and Brooklyn. She has dedicated countless hours and financial resources to ensure that New York City youths are provided with youth development programs, which are shown to have a significant impact on a child's mental and social growth. Committed to instilling positive qualities in the next generation, Gina sponsors and contributes to the YMCA to provide the necessary financial resources required for program operations.

In recognition of her continued support and youth commitment at the Queens Community Ridgewood YMCA, Gina has been selected to receive the Ridgewood YMCA's Community Leader Award. Given to the most impactful participating member, the Community Leader Award celebrates the tremendous efforts of the YMCA's most accomplished members in changing the lives family and youth.

With past recipients of the award including Sen. Joseph Addabbo and New York Council Member Elizabeth Crowley, Gina joins her peers in helping to create a better future for New York City youth. Gina plans to continue to support youth programs and only looks to expand her positive influence in the future!

Broadway Stages President Gina Argento Advises College Graduates on Entering the Workforce

Fortune's Question of the Day aims to answer public concerns or questions in the business world regarding entrepreneurship, economy, and finance, amongst other topics, with the help of business professionals and industry experts.

To help recent college graduates gain an edge in the job market, Broadway Stages President Gina Argento commented on Fortune's Question of the Day,
What advice do you have for college graduates entering the workforce?”

  1. Don't make generic cover letters!
    "The ones that stand out say more than just, 'I have experience with film.' That is already expected when applying to a film production company." To make the cut, you need to personalize your cover letter and express why you will be the ideal candidate for the position you are going to fill. Think about how your strengths will be applied to that position.

  2. Get excited!
    The more excited you are for the position, the more excited your interviewer will be. Show that you are excited to learn about and willing to grow into and beyond your new position. "At Broadway Stages, I look for my staff to become experts in their field, whether it's in filming equipment, woodworking, lighting, or another area. Their expertise isn't expected on day one, but when we hire, we look for those who have potential to grow and become leaders of their team." Learning is part of the process when first entering the workforce, but showing that you will go beyond your daily assignments speaks key.

Go out there and make your way to the top of the interview list and land that job!

Follow Gina Argento on Fortune's Leadership Insider Network here!

Broadway Stages President Gina Argento Supports Green Pillars

Broadway Stages President Gina Argento follows four fundamental green pillars that she always seeks to improve upon and encourages others to adopt.

Solar: The power of the sun and its virtually unlimited energy supply should not be underestimated. Solar energy is one of the most powerful resources available and has the potential to power all our energy needs if properly harnessed. Taking a step to replace traditional energy sources, Broadway Stages has been sourcing a significant portion of our energy demands directly from the sun. Sitting under direct sunlight at our Kingsland rooftops are rows and rows of large solar panels. This is part of our solar commitment dating back to 2010, which has saved Broadway Stages over 1,200,000 kilowatt hours annually from traditional sources like nuclear, coal, and gas.

Nature: Contributing back to the natural environment by growing more plants is the most direct way to embrace the green revolution. Planting vegetables or garden greens is crucial in reducing carbon emissions surrounding the metro area. As the top consumers of carbon dioxide, plants directly replace carbon in the air with breathable oxygen. Concerned about air quality and carbon levels, Gina has supported the urban farm revolution since 2008 by creating Rooftop Farms. In operation for almost a decade now, Rooftop Farms has served the Brooklyn community by providing fresh organic vegetables on the edge of Greenpoint while replenishing oxygen in the air.

Water: Water is the one of the most limited and important resources in the world. Learning how to efficiently and effectively utilize water to maximize its output is a challenge that needs to be solved. To help protect the water supply and promote conservation, Gina is teaming up with NY Sun Works to sponsor innovative hydroponic technology education for the next generation. Teaching students to use only a fraction of traditional farming methods, hydroponic technology maximizes water resources by reducing water for crop production by up to 90% compared to conventional farming.

Wildlife: Essential to the preservation of the natural ecosystem, wildlife populations are indicative of the quality of New York City landscapes. However, urbanization threatens to destroy and hinder growth of our native bird species. Hoping to protect New York City wildlife, Gina has partnered with the New York City Audubon to jointly improve and prioritize the safety of New York wildlife. The integrity of wildlife is necessary to the revitalization and conservation of local landscapes across the five boroughs.

Gina Argento, President of Broadway Stages, Joins NYSunWorks at its Annual Youth Conference

Broadway Stages President Gina Argento envisions a future of green education and sustainable energy in New York City. Inspired to promote the exploration of green energy options, Gina has aligned with NY Sun Works (NYSW), an organization that focuses its mission on sustainable energy and environmental stewardship.

The sixth annual Youth Conference held by NYSW highlights students' scientific achievements through self-conducted scientific research. The conference encourages students from grades five through 12 to participate in green energy research and share their findings with their peers across New York City and New Jersey. The conference empowers students to inspire one another to take action for a greener planet by expressing the need for renewable energy and resources.

The Youth Conference acts as a platform for climate change advisers such as Anthony Annett from the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. Helping endorse future environmentally friendly solutions, Anthony offers intimate knowledge on climate change and renewable energy.

As a sponsor the NYSW Youth Conference, Gina wants to inspire young minds to think about the wellbeing of our planet. By learning the fundamental scientific principles related to sustainable research, students can develop ecological habits that will positively affect their surrounding environments.

Broadway Stages Joins NY Sun Works to Spread Hydroponic Education

Broadway Stages President Gina Argento wants to inspire New York students to be enthusiastic about going green! Teaming up with NY Sun Work's Greenhouse Project, Gina looks to offer students K through 12 the opportunity to explore the benefits of going green.

The Greenhouse Project equips learning facilities with cutting-edge technology that mimics current industry standards in hydronic farming to allow students to learn under professional standards and procedures. Offering exceptional integrated learning techniques that exceed New York science requirements, the Greenhouse Project seeks to bring the best of environmental stewardship to the urban environment.

The Greenhouse Project brings more than 20 local schools, located across all five boroughs, the technical and educational resources required for students to immediately learn about hydroponics through hands-on activities. Students also learn about the positive benefits of solar energy and rainwater recycling systems.

Together with NY Sun Works, Broadway Stages works hard to promote strong fundamentals in green education for students in public schools. Join Broadway Stages, Gina Argento, and NY Sun Works in creating a greener and eco-friendlier future!

Broadway Stages Celebrates Earth Day at our Kingsland Wildflowers Rooftop

Earth Day is only celebrated once a year, but Broadway Stages enjoys it as a yearlong commitment every day! To help expand the annual celebration to a year-long habit, Broadway Stages President Gina Argento invites New Yorkers to the Earth Day Lecture and Roof Tour, where attendees can grow a lifelong excitement for preserving our natural environment.

Gina encourages everyone to gather at 520 Kingsland Avenue on Saturday, April 22 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sharing the Earth Day Lecture and Roof Tour experience are the NYC Audubon, who seek to cultivate a passionate lifestyle for supporting local wildlife preservation through an educational lecture.

Attendees will learn about healthy gardening habits and wildlife-friendly landscape designs from Joyann Ciriliano, president of Four Harbors Audubon Society.
The mission of Four Harbors Audubon Society is to advocate education and conservation efforts for the enjoyment, preservation and restoration of birds, wildlife, and habitat in Long Island. Following the lecture, attendees will receive free refreshments and a guided tour of the Kingsland Wildflowers rooftop.

An Angel for Education


Partnering with Futures in Education, Gina Argento actively involves herself with New York students in grades one through eight attending grammar schools as a sponsoring Archangel.

Futures in Education offers individuals the opportunity to financially support the educational journeys of Brooklyn and Queens students attending Catholic grammar schools. Individuals contributing to the Angel Program can assist multiple students by subsidizing tuition cost as a financial benefactor. Angels support recipient students to overcome financial obstacles impeding their educational success at grammar schools.

The best benefit of becoming an Angel at Futures in Educations is seeing the growth and impact of your contribution on your students. As an ArchAngel, Gina communicates directly to her students in correspondence letters, cards, and drawings.

This Easter, Kevin, a seventh grader and Angel student of Gina's, shared his incredible experiences at school and his exciting Easter plans. The most touching line from Kevin (read by Gina) is his interpretation of Easter:

“I personally believe that people shouldn’t just give gifts, they should give joy and happiness vocally.”

Seeing Kevin want to spread and reciprocate his happiness to other is the most rewarding part for Gina. Watching students like Kevin positively affected by her contributions only strengthens Gina's commitment to providing quality education for New York students. Please join Gina in her mission to improve and positively impact student education!

Broadway Stages Takes YMCA Students Behind the Scenes of Their Favorite Shows

YMCA students and staff with Tony Argento

YMCA students and staff with Tony Argento

Broadway Stages invited the Flushing YMCA to join us at our sound stages this afternoon to share our passion of film production. YMCA students and staff were given a full tour of five sound stages as part of our student enrichment program for New York students.

We taught YMCA students about what it takes to make a production look flawless on TV. Students were surprised to learn that hundreds of people are involved in the behind-the-scene activities to create a single TV episode. Broadway Stages staff educated students and staff on the astronomical four million jobs provided by New York's film economy, in addition to the generous spending at local businesses by film production companies year round.

Broadway Stages was happy to share this experience with local students. As a souvenir, all students received Broadway Stages t-shirts to remind them of our continued partnership with the YMCA! Let's explore student enrichment together!

Gina Argento Presents the Broadway Stages Scholarship

Broadway Stages has joined forces with Kingsborough Community College to provide New York City students with the necessary educational tools for academic and lifelong success. Sharing a vision of educational excellence, Broadway Stages President Gina Argento and Brooklyn-based Kingsborough Community College have come together to create the Broadway Stages Scholarship Award!

Gina established the Broadway Stages Award to inspire students to achieve success in their academic careers by providing access to financial resources available through the scholarship.

The Broadway Stages Scholarship Award gives students the opportunity to overcome financial obstacles impeding their academic achievement. Select students pursuing a media-related degree who demonstrate strong work ethic and active community involvement are qualified candidates for the Broadway Stages Scholarship Award. These requirements are included to encourage students to parallel Broadway Stages' commitment to community and passion for media.

Please join Gina in providing more opportunities for student education!

Education Without Barriers: A Lifelong Goal

Broadway Stages President and CEO Gina Argento wants to ensure that students in Brooklyn and Queens have access to high-quality Catholic education. Gina embraces educational freedom, standing with causes such as the 2017 Joe DiMaggio Award Dinner hosted by Futures in Education to ensure that students do not face financial obstacles in New York.

The Joe DiMaggio Benefit presents Gina with the opportunity to eliminate financial barriers that impede academic success. As an event benefactor, Gina's contribution has positively relieved students and families of the financial burden associated with attending Catholic grammar schools.

Having previously worked with Futures in Education as an Archangel (a benefactor to individual students), Gina is familiar with the excellence of educational programs and believes the high educational standard prepares qualifying students to succeed.

Broadway Stages Partners With Kingsborough CXM Academy

Broadway Stages President Gina Argento and Broadway Stages Attorney Anthony Fong are joining the CXM Academy Board at Kingsborough Community College (KCC)! Through the CXM Academy, Broadway Stages, New York City's largest full film production facilities, hopes to introduce passionate individuals to the film production industry.

Kingsborough Community College's CXM Academy provides Kingsborough students with the opportunity to intern at select businesses across the five boroughs. Partnering with local and domestic businesses, the CXM Academy aims to assist students' prime placement into internships that could transform into lifelong careers. Focused on educating the next generation of bright minds, Gina has joined KCC's CXM Academy to invite select students to participate in internships at Broadway Stages. Join CXM and join the Broadway Stages family!

Broadway Stages Volunteers Read to Children

Broadway Stages' community outreach efforts center on getting directly involved with the community. President Gina Argento encourages her employees to participate in educational and community events.

This past week, the sixth annual National Women's History Month Celebration included a book reading event to encourage children to explore their imaginations through reading. Broadway Stages volunteers took to the cause and read children's books to more than 20 preschool students. Volunteers said reading to children was not only educational but fun!