Broadway Stages Counts Down to Earth Day!

Broadway Stages President Gina Argento has seven quick tips to help save the planet!

  1. Make Recycling Easier
    Place paper and plastic recycling bins near high-traffic areas in your office and home. This will help maximize recycling habits of your co-workers and family members.

  2. Refill Your Ink
    Most of the time ink cartridges are replaced completely. Instead, learn to refill your ink cartridges to save money and the environment. Most local stationery stores are able to refill your cartridges for you.

  3. Consider the Metro
    Reduce your carbon footprint and help keep the air cleaner today by using your local transportation system. It saves money, and in crowded cities it might also just save you precious time.

  4. Bring Your Own Bags
    Consider bringing your own bags to the grocery store next time. You can save up to 1,000 groceries bag a year from sitting in landfills simply by bringing your own reusable bags.

  5. Go Paperless
    No paper? No problem. Most companies can replace your current physical mail with electronic versions. Consider going the paperless route. Saving green forests starts with you!

  6. Don't Waste the Back
    Print double-sided to reduce your paper usage by half.

  7. Let Your Friends Know!
    Going green is all about sharing your knowledge with your colleagues, friends, and family. Help make their green impact as strong as yours!

Follow these seven quick Earth Day tips and get green today!