Broadway Stages Wishes You a Happy Earth Day Weekend!

Broadway Stages is excited that Earth Day is only one day away! If you haven't been following us lately, Broadway Stages has been giving weekly tips on how you can go green in celebration of Earth Day. Today Gina Argento, President of Broadway Stages, shares two fun Earth-saving tips.

  1. Coffee to Soil
    Next time you make coffee, you might want to save your coffee grounds. Give your coffee grounds a second purpose as a great fertilizer for your garden or potted plants. Egg shells work great too!

  2. Water on the Go
    Bring your own thermos or BPA-free water bottle and take a stand against onetime-use disposable plastics. Using your own water bottle can significantly reduce the number of plastic bottles that end up in landfills and also reduces your risk of BPA chemical exposure found in disposable plastics.

Take these two fun Earth Day tips and incorporate them into your life today to do your part in helping save the Earth!

Broadway Stages Celebrates Earth Day at our Kingsland Wildflowers Rooftop

Earth Day is only celebrated once a year, but Broadway Stages enjoys it as a yearlong commitment every day! To help expand the annual celebration to a year-long habit, Broadway Stages President Gina Argento invites New Yorkers to the Earth Day Lecture and Roof Tour, where attendees can grow a lifelong excitement for preserving our natural environment.

Gina encourages everyone to gather at 520 Kingsland Avenue on Saturday, April 22 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sharing the Earth Day Lecture and Roof Tour experience are the NYC Audubon, who seek to cultivate a passionate lifestyle for supporting local wildlife preservation through an educational lecture.

Attendees will learn about healthy gardening habits and wildlife-friendly landscape designs from Joyann Ciriliano, president of Four Harbors Audubon Society.
The mission of Four Harbors Audubon Society is to advocate education and conservation efforts for the enjoyment, preservation and restoration of birds, wildlife, and habitat in Long Island. Following the lecture, attendees will receive free refreshments and a guided tour of the Kingsland Wildflowers rooftop.

Broadway Stages Co-Hosts New York Building Congress Breakfast

Broadway Stages CEO and President Gina Argento is co-hosting the New York Building Congress Construction Industry Breakfast to represent Brooklyn interests and voices.

The event is a platform for developing future events focused on improving New York's affordable housing program. Central to the breakfast is a 10-year commitment towards housing improvement known as the Five-Borough Agenda, which aims to accommodate 200,000 affordable housing units for New York City families. Fundraising goals have exceeded initial expectations, generating wild excitement for the project to start.

As a contributor to the Five-Borough Agenda herself, Gina is excited to support the creation of over 80,000 new home units and affordability programs to protect future participants of the program. She insists that it is the responsibility of New Yorkers to take care of other New Yorkers when you can.

Earth Day Is Right Around the Corner

The long-awaited celebration of Earth Day is only three days away! In anticipation of Earth Day, Broadway Stages is providing weekly tips to help you express your inner green stewardship. Continuing the trend, we offer three more ways to go green.

  1. More Than Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
    We all know about the three R's but most people do not consider the option to donate. Donating furniture, clothes, or electronics greatly extends the functional life of an item and more importantly keeps it out of a landfill.

  2. Compost It
    Composting is a simple and effective way to repurpose your food scraps. Instead of throwing your leftover food in the trash, try to compost it at home. Composting produces nutrient-rich soil that can be used for potted plants or gardens. Get your own composting kit today!

  3. Plant a Tree
    One of the best ways to celebrate Earth Day is to plant a tree. Directly reduce carbon in the air and replace it with breathable oxygen for all of us. Go out today and plant a tree. Bring friends and make it a group activity!

Join Broadway Stages in our green mission. Start your journey today!

An Angel for Education


Partnering with Futures in Education, Gina Argento actively involves herself with New York students in grades one through eight attending grammar schools as a sponsoring Archangel.

Futures in Education offers individuals the opportunity to financially support the educational journeys of Brooklyn and Queens students attending Catholic grammar schools. Individuals contributing to the Angel Program can assist multiple students by subsidizing tuition cost as a financial benefactor. Angels support recipient students to overcome financial obstacles impeding their educational success at grammar schools.

The best benefit of becoming an Angel at Futures in Educations is seeing the growth and impact of your contribution on your students. As an ArchAngel, Gina communicates directly to her students in correspondence letters, cards, and drawings.

This Easter, Kevin, a seventh grader and Angel student of Gina's, shared his incredible experiences at school and his exciting Easter plans. The most touching line from Kevin (read by Gina) is his interpretation of Easter:

“I personally believe that people shouldn’t just give gifts, they should give joy and happiness vocally.”

Seeing Kevin want to spread and reciprocate his happiness to other is the most rewarding part for Gina. Watching students like Kevin positively affected by her contributions only strengthens Gina's commitment to providing quality education for New York students. Please join Gina in her mission to improve and positively impact student education!

Broadway Stages Counts Down to Earth Day!

Broadway Stages President Gina Argento has seven quick tips to help save the planet!

  1. Make Recycling Easier
    Place paper and plastic recycling bins near high-traffic areas in your office and home. This will help maximize recycling habits of your co-workers and family members.

  2. Refill Your Ink
    Most of the time ink cartridges are replaced completely. Instead, learn to refill your ink cartridges to save money and the environment. Most local stationery stores are able to refill your cartridges for you.

  3. Consider the Metro
    Reduce your carbon footprint and help keep the air cleaner today by using your local transportation system. It saves money, and in crowded cities it might also just save you precious time.

  4. Bring Your Own Bags
    Consider bringing your own bags to the grocery store next time. You can save up to 1,000 groceries bag a year from sitting in landfills simply by bringing your own reusable bags.

  5. Go Paperless
    No paper? No problem. Most companies can replace your current physical mail with electronic versions. Consider going the paperless route. Saving green forests starts with you!

  6. Don't Waste the Back
    Print double-sided to reduce your paper usage by half.

  7. Let Your Friends Know!
    Going green is all about sharing your knowledge with your colleagues, friends, and family. Help make their green impact as strong as yours!

Follow these seven quick Earth Day tips and get green today!

Broadway Stages Takes YMCA Students Behind the Scenes of Their Favorite Shows

YMCA students and staff with Tony Argento

YMCA students and staff with Tony Argento

Broadway Stages invited the Flushing YMCA to join us at our sound stages this afternoon to share our passion of film production. YMCA students and staff were given a full tour of five sound stages as part of our student enrichment program for New York students.

We taught YMCA students about what it takes to make a production look flawless on TV. Students were surprised to learn that hundreds of people are involved in the behind-the-scene activities to create a single TV episode. Broadway Stages staff educated students and staff on the astronomical four million jobs provided by New York's film economy, in addition to the generous spending at local businesses by film production companies year round.

Broadway Stages was happy to share this experience with local students. As a souvenir, all students received Broadway Stages t-shirts to remind them of our continued partnership with the YMCA! Let's explore student enrichment together!

Broadway Stages Supports Brooklyn and Queens Communities

Broadway Stages President Gina Argento is always looking for ways to help New York families! Joining the Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens, an organization that positively impacts local families in Queens and Brooklyn through its various services, Gina helps provide vital services that dozens of families rely on.

Catholic Charities helps hundred of families and children through its community service programs. Catholic Charities delivers New Yorkers a wide range of educational and support services that range from its Integrated Health and Wellness Services, Affordable Housing Program, and Community Services. These programs help care for the wellbeing of Brooklyn and Queens neighborhoods by directly connecting individuals with professionals and the necessary resources to succeed.

As a sponsor of Catholic Charities, Gina Argento wants to provide Brooklyn and Queens communities with quality care and professional help services to positively impact their lives. Gina continues to commit herself to actively bettering many families by providing financial assistance to community-based organizations. She hopes her dedication to New York City families will inspire others to make the pledge to help their fellow neighbor.

Gina Argento Presents the Broadway Stages Scholarship

Broadway Stages has joined forces with Kingsborough Community College to provide New York City students with the necessary educational tools for academic and lifelong success. Sharing a vision of educational excellence, Broadway Stages President Gina Argento and Brooklyn-based Kingsborough Community College have come together to create the Broadway Stages Scholarship Award!

Gina established the Broadway Stages Award to inspire students to achieve success in their academic careers by providing access to financial resources available through the scholarship.

The Broadway Stages Scholarship Award gives students the opportunity to overcome financial obstacles impeding their academic achievement. Select students pursuing a media-related degree who demonstrate strong work ethic and active community involvement are qualified candidates for the Broadway Stages Scholarship Award. These requirements are included to encourage students to parallel Broadway Stages' commitment to community and passion for media.

Please join Gina in providing more opportunities for student education!

Education Without Barriers: A Lifelong Goal

Broadway Stages President and CEO Gina Argento wants to ensure that students in Brooklyn and Queens have access to high-quality Catholic education. Gina embraces educational freedom, standing with causes such as the 2017 Joe DiMaggio Award Dinner hosted by Futures in Education to ensure that students do not face financial obstacles in New York.

The Joe DiMaggio Benefit presents Gina with the opportunity to eliminate financial barriers that impede academic success. As an event benefactor, Gina's contribution has positively relieved students and families of the financial burden associated with attending Catholic grammar schools.

Having previously worked with Futures in Education as an Archangel (a benefactor to individual students), Gina is familiar with the excellence of educational programs and believes the high educational standard prepares qualifying students to succeed.

Rooftop Farms Presents Sunday Fun Day!

With the weather warming, it is a perfect time to visit Broadway Stages' beautiful rooftop farm! Learn and have fun! Enjoy gardening on top of our Eagle Street warehouse rooftops overlooking the breathtaking New York City skyline.

Join Broadway Stages on Sunday afternoons from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at our Eagle Street urban farm located at 44 Eagle St., Brooklyn, NY. We hope to see you there!

Broadway Stages Partners With Kingsborough CXM Academy

Broadway Stages President Gina Argento and Broadway Stages Attorney Anthony Fong are joining the CXM Academy Board at Kingsborough Community College (KCC)! Through the CXM Academy, Broadway Stages, New York City's largest full film production facilities, hopes to introduce passionate individuals to the film production industry.

Kingsborough Community College's CXM Academy provides Kingsborough students with the opportunity to intern at select businesses across the five boroughs. Partnering with local and domestic businesses, the CXM Academy aims to assist students' prime placement into internships that could transform into lifelong careers. Focused on educating the next generation of bright minds, Gina has joined KCC's CXM Academy to invite select students to participate in internships at Broadway Stages. Join CXM and join the Broadway Stages family!